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South Ogden parents discouraged after daughter barred from playing in youth baseball game; officials cite new law

SOUTH OGDEN — A 10-year-old girl was disqualified as a participant in a city minors baseball game last month when a South Ogden official indicated to parents that she should not be playing in a boy's league. Sydney Zitting told the Standard-Examiner that her daughter, Addison, has been playing in a multicity third/fourth grade minors baseball league for the last two years, alongside friends she has known and played with since kindergarten. However, as the child was warming up with her teammates prior to a late-season game May 29 at Club Heights Park, South Ogden City Public Works ...

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Letter: Police should target street racers, not elderly women

I have a question for the North Ogden Police Dept. Why is nothing being done about the cars racing up and down north Washington every night — screeching and howling and making the public nervous, to say nothing about the sound? Where are your police officers? Could they be giving a ...

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