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National Commentary

Stiehm: Clouds clear for Harris

After a fierce rainstorm, the light shone on the Capitol dome like a city on a hill. The House of Representatives was returning at that moment Monday to an utterly changed reality. The day before, an ailing President Joe Biden withdrew from his race for reelection. The old chieftain, 81, was ...

Barone: Echoes of history in this year’s campaign

For those of a certain age, or with more than a woke education, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump brings back echoes of history. Not exactly the history of the abysmal political year of 1968, which saw the murders of Martin Luther King Jr., 39, and Robert F. Kennedy, ...

Zito: Trump rewrites Republican convention speech to focus on unity, not Biden

Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity. In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper's ...

Erickson: Your sins will find you out

Years ago, a dear friend who worked for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld invited me to join the two of them at a photography exhibit. The Secretary needed some assistance, having had shoulder surgery. He was loathe to have a lady carry his briefcase. It became my job. We walked ...

Charen: It’s time for Biden to put country first

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." — Proverbs 16:18 President Joe Biden, who earned our respect and affection over the past four years, is now trying our souls. In an interview on a Philadelphia radio show, he mumbled that he was proud to be "the first ...

Harrop: Trump can’t undo the damage he’s done to reproductive rights

Try as he might, Donald Trump can't blur the hard reality he forced upon American women. He vowed in 2016 to get rid of Roe v. Wade and succeeded. As a result, American women lost a half-century right to end an unwanted or dangerous pregnancy. Some of the harsh truths turn into nightmares. ...