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Letter: Apartments are good, actually

Look around Ogden these days, and you'll notice a startling transformation. Dozens of new apartment buildings have suddenly sprung up along Washington Boulevard, Wall Avenue, and 12th Street. Lately I've heard some of my east bench neighbors ask, "Do we really need all these new ...

Letter: Is history repeating itself?

He told people that were suffering what they wanted to hear. He called for putting the country first above all others and would make the country great again. When he targeted marginalized groups, many dismissed his rhetoric as propaganda for the masses; many thought he would not follow through ...

Letter: Why not love truth?

After watching the Republican National Convention, a friend asked me, “Have the Republicans lost their minds?” After thinking about it, I believe the answer is much simpler: TOO MANY REPUBLICANS LOVE LIES! Consider the following: Family Values — Their top candidate has been ...

Letter: Do Latter-day Saints show integrity if they vote for Trump?

There was a great article by Ryan Comer in the Standard on July 20 called "The importance and power of integrity." While focused on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members, it applies to all Christians as well. Concerning integrity, he quotes Elder Jack N. Gerard, "You understand ...

Letter: Memories of the past in Utah

I was born in 1934, so I think I qualify as an old geezer. I have been thinking back to when I was younger and how much things have changed over the years. I remember growing up in Salt Lake City in the 40’s and going to the movies. I could get into a double feature movie with a cartoon at ...

Letter: Health care has become ‘a medical mess’

Our healthcare system has surely become a medical mess, judging by my recent experience of dealing with it for a spouse that has suffered unforeseen, multiple strokes. The morass seems to generate from the current trend of doctors working only three days a week, then off on long weekends and ...