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Happy 70th Anniversary! : Tsutomu (Stom) & Lola Yamamoto

By Staff | Dec 15, 2019

We're so happy to announce the 70th Wedding Anniversary of Stom and Lola Yamamoto on December 10, 2019. They celebrated with a dinner and entertainment with family and friends in Kaysville.

They were blessed to have a son Sharm and daughter-in-law Carol (to Carol, they're Mom and Dad). They also have two beautiful granddaughters Shalie Swartz (Mike) and Talia Diglisic (Eldin) along with seven amazing beautiful great-grandchildren.

Stom and Lola were both born in Utah and lived in Syracuse their entire lives. Dad was a farmer and served in WWII and Mom worked in Manufacturing. They're both two of the most loving, giving, hard working parents. Their hobbies are Wendover trips, bowling, golfing, going to Las Vegas with their family and just spending time with their family.

We're so proud to be their family. Mom and Dad we love you so much and we're so happy to have been able to celebrate this "special" occasion with you. We look forward to many more fun times together. We love you Mom and Dad. Thank you for being such a wonderful example to all of us. With all our love, your Family


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