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Happy 50th Anniversary!: Jean & Jeff Everts

By Staff | Nov 17, 2019

The Everts girls and their families are proud to announce the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents, Jean and Jeff Everts on November 18, 2019. A golden anniversary for our golden parents.

Mom and Dad were married in the fall of 1969 in Ogden, Utah, but their love story started a few years earlier when they met at a local teen hot spot, The Cinder Palace. With, Johnny and the Blue Beats playing in the background, Dad sent over one of his friends to profess his love and to ask mom for a meet-cute, just like in the movies. Mom obliged, and dad started calling and coming around the little Moore household in Washington Terrace. Dad was 16, Mom, 14 and each was the others first love.

They dated for a couple of years when Dad, 18 and graduated from Ogden High School, joined the Navy. Before he deployed to Vietnam, he proposed to a bright and shiny 16-year old Jean, in the parking lot of Tony's Pizza, our family's favorite restaurant to this very day. She said YES and shortly thereafter, Dad left for war. Mom still says those were the longest years she and dad had ever endured, but also the most important. They grew closer together through correspondence and remained ever faithful to one another.

As mom waited for her Sailor, she graduated from Bonneville High school and prepared for a wedding that fall. Dad came home in October of 1969, and the couple wasted no time! She and dad marched down the aisle in November, and into life as a young married couple. Soon came work for dad at Hill, and schooling at Weber State. While mom worked for a local company, Boyle's Furniture.

Not too long after, the young couple decided to buy a home in Roy, Utah, where they would build a life, raise their family, and make lifelong friends who would become their true family. It is the same home they live in today.

In this little home, two became four when they had us, two girls. April Marie in 1974, and Darcie Lee in 1976. Needless to say, we sure kept our parents busy with soccer and tumbling, schooling and travels. There wasn't a moment that both of our parents weren't by our sides, enjoying every minute. Dad with his stoic, quiet support and mom with her outgoing and bright enthusiasm. Neither missed a second, cheering and rooting us on through whatever we decided to try. They both worked so hard to provide an incredible life for us. Support and love we feel to this day.

In what seemed like a blink-of-an-eye, four became six when April married Weston Johnson in 1993, and Darcie married Steven Liptrot in 1998. Then, six became 10 when Mom and Dad became grandparents to the lights of their life, Jada & Jena (April/Wes), and Kru & Kloe (Darcie/Steve). And, just like when we were little, they have never missed a game, a play, a meet or an event. Making each grandchild feel special and loved. If you ask any of the kids who their best friend is, without hesitation, it's grandma or grandpa. They will soon be great-grandparents twice over with the birth of their second great-grandchild!

In 2006, after 37 years, Dad retired from Hill Air Force Base to pursue his ultimate dream, working for the golf course-or as he called it when we were little, "the neighbors". He has worked for his favorite course, Schneiter's Bluff for the past 12 years. Mom joined Dad in 2018, retiring from 33 years of dedicated service at Dick Kearsley's Service Center. She obtained her real estate license and enjoys exploring the real estate world while helping her friends and family.

Together, with the same group of amazing neighborhood friends, they travel all over and enjoy the many wonderful things the world has to offer.

Mom and Dad, we are so very proud of the life you have lead and the people you are. The love you share is an example to us all. Congratulations on 50 years!


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