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Happy 50th Anniversary!: Bill and Diane Green

By Reader Submitted - | Jun 17, 2018

Bill and Diane (Turner) Green were married 50 years ago on June 18, 1968, in Ogden, Utah. They were married in the Salt Lake City Utah LDS Temple on January 15, 1987. It has been wedded bliss ever since.

Their first home was in Roy, Utah, where they lived for 20 years. In 1990, their dream of living in the mountains came true and they moved to Liberty, Utah. They were blessed with four children: Nicole (Jerom^), Danielle (Corey), Noelle (Dustin); and a son, Matthew, who passed away June 1, 1995. They have 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

They both are retired and are enjoying the freedom of traveling and living. They love to travel, boat, camp and take trips on their Harley. Bill retired from HAFB and Northrop & Grumman/TRW. He graduated from Weber State and worked as a Software Engineer. Diane worked for ZCMI many years before they closed, Macey’s and the IRS, after which, she retired.

They celebrated their 50 years together with family and friends over the weekend.


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