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Dirt Roads Couture debuting as a stop in January’s First Friday Art Stroll

By Rob Nielsen - | Dec 31, 2023

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OGDEN — The inaugural First Friday Art Stroll of the new year is set and a new stop is set to be featured.

The first art stroll of 2024 is set for 6-9 p.m. Friday in downtown Ogden and will feature Dirt Roads Couture for as a first-time participant.

“Dirt Roads Couture is a new stop in the art stroll,” a press release on the upcoming art stroll reads. “They are located on Grant Avenue and feature more than 30 artists’ artwork. Their featured artists for January are Marilyn Shannon and Georgie Cortisse.”

According to the press release, changes also have been made to the art stroll’s official map.

“Get your updated map at any stop on the stroll or at The Corner, the small white kiosk on 25th and Washington Ave. It is now open and during the stroll will be open until 9 p.m.,” it reads. “A new addition to the map is the locations of the OGX stops in downtown Ogden. The OGX is free for all to ride and makes it a fun way to enjoy the evening.”

The Ogden Express, or OGX, is a bus rapid transit system that launched in August.

Activity locations include Union Station, Historic 25th Street and The Monarch, while other stops include The Junction, Washington Boulevard and the Eccles Art Center.

For more information on the First Friday Art Stroll, visit http://tinyurl.com/mryev2bj.


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