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First Friday Art Stroll highlights climate change exhibit

By Rob Nielsen - | Sep 4, 2024

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OGDEN — September’s First Friday Art Stroll is just around the corner.

According to a press release from Ogden City Arts, Culture & Events, this Friday’s Art Stroll — set for 6-9 p.m. in downtown Ogden — will highlight an exhibit at Ogden Contemporary Arts called the “Climate Resiliency, Photography, and Storytelling Exhibition.” The exhibit features five artists and their take on climate change.

“This exhibition presents works from artists investigating and sharing the stories of communities and lands that are adapting to a changing climate. From sublime foreshadowing to documentation of the real ways natural hazards affect our lives; artists shine a light on resilient communities and their stories of loss, adaptation, mitigation, and restoration,” the release said.

The exhibit is set to last through Oct. 13.

For more information on the art stroll, visit https://www.ogdencity.com/770/First-Friday-Art-Stroll.