Ogden Chamber Orchestra
On September 17, Ogden’s own Chamber Orchestra Ogden (COO) presented the first concert of the 2022-2023 season at Perry’s Egyptian Theater. The beautiful concert was also the world premiere of Alfonso Tenreiro’s “Piano Concerto No. 1,” with pianist, and COO keyboardist, Nicholas Maughan. The concert opened with Libby Larsen’s “Overture for the End of a Century,” which was followed by Alexander Borodin’s “In the Steppes of Central Asia,” and then a performance of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s “Ballade in A Minor, Opus 33.” The concert was very well-received and resulted in an extended standing ovation for Teneiro, Maughan, and the orchestra.
Along with a standing ovation, many patrons sought out season tickets, proclaiming that the concert was worth much more than the $10 price. Patrons should be excited to know that season tickets may also be purchased for $25 for the three Perry’s Egyptian Theater concerts: September 17, January 28, and March 25. Veterans and active military and their families are always free, as are students age 8-18.
Other performances include a Gala Concert on October 15 at Weber State University (WSU) featuring former WSU student and operatic tenor Ta’u Pupu’a. On December 14 at WSU, COO will perform as the orchestra for vocal group The Swingles in a concert sponsored by Onstage Ogden.
The next season concert is January 28, where COO will feature principal cellist Austin Packer and principal trombonist Kyle Larson as soloists.
The concert season will conclude with Robert Schumann’s “Symphony No. 1” in the spring on March 25.
Tickets for all concerts are $10 and are available ahead of time by phone at 801-689-8700 or online at https://www.ogdenpet.com/tickets. You may purchase them in person at the Egyptian Theater box office Monday-Friday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. or one hour before show time. Season tickets may also be purchased for $25 for the three Perry’s Egyptian Theater concerts: September 17, January 28, and March 25. Military and their families are always free.
Follow Chamber Orchestra Ogden on Facebook (ChamberOrchestraOgden), Twitter (@ogdenmusic), and Instagram (@chamberorchestraogden). For more information, visit their website at chamberorchestraogden.org or contact Michael Palumbo at contactchamberorchestraogden@gmail.com or by phone at 801-624-9232.