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Ziegfeld’s ‘Hairspray’ a must-see

By Rachel Trotter, Standard-Examiner Correspondent - | Aug 25, 2015

SOUTH OGDEN — Ziegfeld Theater’s production of “Hairspray” only runs for one more week, but don’t miss it. The show is packed with laughs, great singing and great acting by a cast with great chemistry both on and off stage.

The show is a Ziegfeld debut for Emily Woods who stars as Tracy Turnblad. The Weber State University student hasn’t done a show in five years, but when she heard about “Hairspray” she couldn’t pass it up. “Oh, it’s my dream role. I’ve always wanted to do it and it has definitely been worth it,” Woods said of the Saturday night show. Woods loves the message of overcoming stereotypes and breaking down barriers.

The show is set in the early 1960s in Baltimore, Maryland and is based around high school kids who want to dance on Corny Collins music show. Corny Collins is played by Ogden High School graduate Aaron Linford, who plays the part well. The show ends up addressing issues regarding race and prejudice while keeping humor throughout. The cast does well at being serious a few times when the script calls for it and funny at other times.

Woods said she always identified with Turnblad’s character. “She always inspired me to be me,” Woods said with a big smile. Woods does not hold back on her performance. She dances with great intensity and embraces the part 100 percent.

There is humor throughout and the audience roared with laughter throughout the show. The cast did a good job of playing off of each other’s comedic timing. One of the standouts in the show was Andrew Cole, who plays Tracy’s mother, Edna Turnblad. The role is traditionally cast as a male playing a plus-size woman and Cole pulls it off without a hitch. Cole has played several roles at the Ziegfeld, but said he wanted to try this one because of the range it would give him as an actor. “This show is about love and fun and it’s very timely I think,” Cole said after Saturday night’s performance. “It also has a good message and it’s just good to be part of a fun show,” he said as many crowded around to talk with him and wish him congratulations for a good performance.

Many of the cast members said the best part of the show was the cast. “I think the love we have for each other off-stage shows while we are on stage,” Cole said.

Woods agreed. “This is just a big family, it really is,” Woods said of all involved with the Ziegfeld theater. She wants to come back and do try some other roles as well.

The audience was impressed with the show as well. Katie Crosby came from Logan to the show with family members for a girl’s night out. Crosby said it had been a while since she had seen “Hairspray” and so it was fun to remember the storylines and different songs. “It’s one of the more entertaining shows I’ve seen in a while,” Crosby said.

Erin Guy enjoyed the show as well. She enjoyed the chemistry of the cast. “It’s just really good,” Guy said. She especially loved the acting by Dee Tuaone who played Motormouth Maybelle. “I think it’s really cool they cast a man for the part of Motormouth Maybelle. I’ve never seen that before,” Guy said. She noticed throughout the show how talented the whole cast was. “We have a lot of talented people in our community,” she added.

Many were impressed with Tuaone’s performance and were surprised to find out it was a male playing the part.

The show runs through Sept. 5 with shows on Monday, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Students get in for $9 on Monday nights. Check www.theziegfeldtheater.com for all pricing.


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