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Letter: Traffic tickets are issued to serve public safety

Mayor Ben Nadolski and Police Chief Eric Young are doing a great job for the residents of Ogden. The fact is every single ticket written by OPD was necessary, legitimate and for a violation of the law that is designed to keep people and especially children safe on our roads in Ogden. Ogden is ...

Letter: Democrats, courts are treating Trump unfairly

I get a real kick out of Biden as he fumbles and stumbles with his orations. I’m talking about him declaring his worldwide D.N.A. connections to all cultures. His 42 months of robbing our wallets has incurred over $12T alone. His ex boss, Obama, added $11T in his 8 years. Pres Trump added ...

Letter: Election worries seeded in Trump’s total control of GOP

First, let me thank Bill Heersink for his kind words on April 17 about the column I used to write for the S-E. I am greatly flattered, but have to admit I am enjoying retirement too much to take it up again. As to your question, Mr. Heersink, about why our members of Congress do not clearly ...

Letter: Comparing unequal political parties

Let's compare the republican political party to the democracts when it comes to character, class, integrity and corruption. From 1961 to 2019 the republican party held power for 31 years, in that period of time there were 149 indictments, 95 convictions, and 34 party members sentenced. When it ...

Letter: Trump doesn’t really care about cops

A prior letter writer wrote, "We should all consider which way we vote on the up-and-coming election." She also said, "Trump's attention is to honor those brave young men (police)." Trump said, "On day one as president I will pardon the January 6 hostages." The January 6 mass assault on police ...

Letter: An fun time at senior center reunion

I recently attended the North Ogden Senior Center 20 year Reunion. I felt it necessary to comment on the celebration. It was a lovely time, with an open house, great food and entertainment. I was so impressed, the local Fire department served our meals, and did an excellent job. Sun Shade N' ...

Letter: Sharing a poem written for Earth Day

Pleasant View (In honor of Earth Day, April 22, 2024) My grandpa's cherries were red and sour; perfect for pies! This place was different then. There were few fences or walls to keep animals out No division among foothills and pastures Or houses scantly spread across the sprawl of ...

Letter: Clarifying my concerns about future US elections

I was pleased to have Charles Trentelman reply so quickly to my letter (March 14 & 18). He is my all-time favorite columnist over the nearly 50 years I have been reading the Standard Examiner. I dare say many who cancelled would re-subscribe, were his “Wasatch Rambler” writings to ...

Letter: Biden’s been at work for all; Trump only for himself

In all due respect, Margaret Brough, I have to take issue with your letter about a stark comparison between Trump and Biden. Yes, the two men could not be more different, but saying Trump has sacrificed all for America while Biden is only trying to hold onto power is a grave ...