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Maddox Ranch House pie recipe just peachy

By Amy Nicholson - | Sep 3, 2012
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KERA WIllIAMS/Standard-ExaminerBushel baskets loaded with peaches sit outside of Maddox Ranch House in Perry.

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KERA WIllIAMS/Standard-ExaminerMaddox's pies mix sliced peaches in a homemade glaze, heaped into a crust and topped off with fresh extra-heavy whipping cream.

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KERA WIllIAMS/Standard-ExaminerMichelle Bassett slices peaches for peach pie at the restaurant. According to general manager Irvin Maddox, the restaurant sells more than 500 slices of fresh peach pie each day at this time of year.

It is the time of year for peaches — fresh, local beauties bursting with flavorful, juicy goodness sit in bushels at local fruit stands.

Irvin Maddox, general manager of Maddox Ranch House in Perry — in the heart of peach country — likes to use his own family recipe during the season. His restaurant serves more than 500 slices of fresh peach pie (at $4.99 per slice) each day at this time of year.

No one is really sure how or when the peach pie tradition started.

When Maddox asked an employee who has worked in the kitchen for more than 44 years, she said she’s sure it was a well-established custom when she came to the business.

To keep up with peach pie sales, Maddox Ranch House hires extra staff and has at least eight people peeling and slicing fresh peaches for 14 hours every day.

“It’s really labor intensive,” Maddox said. “It is part of our identity. It wouldn’t be worth it otherwise.”

The seasonal peach pies are around for only about six weeks, and people travel from all over the state to get them while they can.

“The pies are completely seasonal, so (their availability) depends on the local peaches,” Maddox said.



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