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The TX. 10: Book characters we’d most like to meet

By Staff | Nov 17, 2019
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TX. Books

1. David from “Steelheart.” I love him; he’s so hilarious and awkward!

2. The Little Mermaid. I want to learn her hair secrets.

3. Aslan from “The Chronicles of Narnia.” He is very wise and I could get some good advice and help from him.

4. Raskolnikov from “Crime and Punishment.” Seriously, someone’s GOT to pound some sense into that guy.

5. Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. He’s super smart, wise and really powerful, but not in an arrogant way. I appreciate that he has enough power and talent to do things just to do them, but he chooses to make more deliberate choices.

6. Jo from “Little Women.” Strong, independent and a writer to boot!

7. Kendra from “Fablehaven.” Of all the characters in “Fablehaven,” Kendra is a favorite because she’s intelligent and she uses her talents in a way that reflects that.

8. Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice.” She was one of the first extremely powerful women featured in a classic novel.

9. Sherlock Holmes. He is incredibly smart, and I value intelligence SO much.

10. Anne Shirley from “Anne of Green Gables.” She is so sassy and fierce. I wish I had her attitude.

– TX. Staff


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