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Conference Counsel: The availability and depth of God’s love

It’s kind of just a reality that when you have a 10-year-old and an 8-year-old, the older child is going to have opportunities and privileges that the younger child doesn’t have. It’s not that the 10-year-old is loved more than the 8-year-old, but rather an acknowledgement of the ...

Conference Counsel: Making Jesus Christ foundation of testimony

With Christmas fast approaching, I have been looking for gifts that I can purchase for my two sons. They want the normal things that most kids seem to want: Transformers toys, video games, toy airplanes. After purchasing some of the things they seemed to want the most, a thought came to me. ...

Conference Counsel: The Church of Jesus Christ is meant to increase joy

Many years ago, before I started working for the Standard-Examiner, I had a job that involved working a graveyard shift. I was living in Layton at the time, but this job was in Taylorsville. Sunday mornings were always a challenge because I would return home after my normal shift and want to go ...

‘Light the World’ Giving Machines unveiled at Ogden Christmas Village

OGDEN — From now until Dec. 15, people who live and work in the Ogden area will have an opportunity to give to those in need with just a swipe of their debit or credit card and a few button punches. With the holiday season now in full effect, "Light the World" Giving Machines have made ...

Conference Counsel: A plea to de-normalize swearing

In the time between the April and October general conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I decided to take a break from my normal practice of discussing a talk from the most recent general conference and address a talk from a general conference much further in the ...