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ATV Adventures: Manti Mountain Run – Fun on the Arapeen ATV Trails

By Lynn Blamires - Special to the Standard-Examiner | Jul 21, 2022
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Riding the beautiful Arapeen ATV Trails on the Manti Mountain Run.
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On the Arapeen Trails above Ferron Reservoir.
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Riding through the aspens on a beautiful trail in the Arapeen ATV Trail System.
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Lynn Blamires

Having been invited to ride the Arapeen ATV Trails at the Manti Mountain Run Jamboree by Kent Barton of Manti City, I was thrilled to be riding these trails again. There is so much beauty packed into the 600-plus miles of trail on the Arapeen System.

This was my first time on the Manti Mountain Run. This is the 20th year of the running of the ATVs at this jamboree and it is first class.

While the two breakfasts aren't hot, there is plenty to eat. We were supplied with ample sack lunches each day and a deluxe dinner the first night. That is a great deal for the $75 charge, to say nothing of the hat and T-shirt that come with it.

This event was capped at 100 people. That meant that the organizers could offer more personal attention to those who registered. I was in a group of six machines led by the mayor of Manti, Chuck Bigelow.

That small number gave us a chance to get to know each other and to become fast friends. I like the small town flavor of this jamboree. The instructions for our group were to meet at the big tree, not an address, just meet at the big tree. We looked around and there was one really big tree. That was where we met.

Mayor Chuck led us on a ride up Six-Mile Canyon. Fred Newton was riding with me in my Kawasaki Teryx4 SLE. It was a warm day as we left the valley. We kept watching the elevation numbers on my GPS, wondering at what elevation temperatures would feel comfortable. That happened at about 8,000 feet.

We came to Six-Mile Pond -- a place that I have fished before. Not that I am a great fisherman, but there are so many places to fish on this trail system that even not-so-great fisherman can catch fish. For some people, combining fishing with riding is the best.

Passing the pond, we turned onto Trail No. 39, which took us on a long water crossing in Blue Meadows. I love a good water crossing and this one was a good one. The trail ran into the stream for a ways before coming out.

The wildflowers on the mountain were amazing. On the way up to the Skyline Trail, we saw fields of white with splashes of pink, blue and yellow. Later, on the way back down to Manti on the Sheep Trail, we saw fields with a blend of blue and lavender with touches of the other colors. The flowers are worth the trip.

We made it up to the Skyline Trail and turned south stopping at High Top. It is the highest point on the Skyline Trail at 10,897 feet. Not only is it the highest point, but there is a great view east down to Duck Fork Reservoir. The views all along the Skyline are captivating.

We continued south until we took Trail No. 7, which brought us down to Ferron Reservoir where we took a break for lunch. This is also a popular fishing spot and a peaceful place for lunch.

After the break, we took Trail No. 71 north by Harmonica Point, the base of which features Harmonica Lake. I don't know how they were named, but it is tempting to make up a story because it would be so easy. I guess it is better to make one up and not share it and let others make up their own stories.

We made another stop at Duck Fork Reservoir because there were toilets. I have learned that where there is a toilet, there is a line.

We headed back up to the Skyline and then came down the Sheep Trail to end our ride in Manti. This trail has some steep drops that I would rather climb than descend. It also has some places where you go up and down as much as you go forward.

However, it features some very beautiful scenery. The trail goes across six valleys and over seven ridges. The trails across the valleys are smooth and feature the picturesque blue and lavender fields while the ridges are rocky.

This event is over, but it will happen again Sept. 15-16 to highlight fall colors. Thirty-six spots are still open for that jamboree. Go to https://www.mantiatvrun.com for details. When you go take plenty of water, keep the rubber side down and act quickly to enjoy the colors on the Arapeen this fall.

Contact Lynn R. Blamires at quadmanone@gmail.com.


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