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‘Freaky’ stories make TV show a scream for Halloween season

By Cal Crnich, Tx. Correspondent - | Oct 20, 2014

I’ve been obsessed with FX’s recent hit series “American Horror Story” since last year’s Season 3 premiere. I had no idea what this show consisted of, but my mother wanted to watch a new show and I was persuaded into watching it with her.

In all honesty, I had heard of the show, but didn’t think anything of it because I thought it was just a corny TV show that tried too hard to be scary or that people just watched it to pass the time. Boy, was I completely wrong.

I got hooked immediately after watching one episode of “American Horror Story” and I just wanted to watch more and more. It was like nothing I had seen before. It was just so original and fresh.

One of the reasons why I thought this FX program was so original was because each season of this show is completely brand new. It has a new story, new characters and new time settings every single year, which I had never thought TV shows were able to do. I always thought they had to stick to one story and one story only, but “American Horror Story” does the exact opposite.

The first season of the show took place in a haunted house during 2008, while the second season was set in an insane asylum during 1964, jumping back in time. The third season became more modern and took place inside a witch coven during 2013 in New Orleans, and the fourth, and newest, season takes place at a freak show during the year 1950.

All the seasons one-up each other on the creepiness factor, and I absolutely adore it. And not only do the stories change year after year, but so do the characters. Every season has brand new characters to strike fear into the hearts of the viewers and this happens with ease.

Although the characters change for every season, some of the “American Horror Story” actors do stay the same throughout. A lot of the actors who were in the first season have returned to be in the other seasons as well. The best example of the recurring actors, I feel, would have to be Jessica Lange and Evan Peters. These two have been in every season thus far and have been completely remarkable, Lange even winning a handful of awards for her roles. Every role they have played, throughout the series, has been completely different.

Lange has played everything from a devious nun to a powerful witch leader, and now she’s playing the ring leader of the freak show. She has mastered each of the roles she’s portrayed, and so has Peters. Peters has portrayed a troubled teenager, a convicted madman and a brain-dead romantic, and this season he will be playing “Lobster Boy.”

And these aren’t even all of the actors that return each season; there are a handful of others who keep returning. The show also recruits a lot of new people as well to star in the episodes, and most of the newer actors stick around and do another season or two.

The best part about “American Horror Story” is that each season is so freaky and a new season begins every October, perfect for Halloween. Each year has its own scary moments that make you want to keep watching season after season to see if the show gets scarier, and, in fact, it does.

I feel like each season is scarier than the next one, and I cannot wait to see where the new season of “American Horror Story” goes and what new frights it makes. You can watch Seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix, and Season 4 premiered on Oct. 8 on FX — so it’s not too late to get in on the fun.

Cal Crnich is a senior at Ogden High School. He enjoys acting and is a part of the International Baccalaureate program. Contact him at calromeo108@gmail.com.


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