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The TX. 10: Best video games to play in summer

By Taylor Jenkins tx. Correspondent - | Aug 4, 2019
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TX. Video Games
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TX. Video Games

Disclaimer: This list does not include “Fortnite” or “Minecraft.” I never played those games as a kid, and I’m definitely not going to start now!

1. “Mario Kart”– At least for me, this is a classic game that I always play with my siblings. This game taught me how to drive.

2. “Super Smash Brothers Brawl” – This is also a game I play with my siblings, but the solo story adventure is just top notch. The plot and the overarching story are amazing.

3. “Super Paper Mario” – Another game with a good story; I’ve played this nearly five times through because I love the plot so much.

4. “Lego Dimensions” – This is just a game I play with my little sister, and it was really fun to see all of the Lego characters together fighting evil. The story was interesting and engaging, and yet hard enough to keep me glued to the screen.

5. “Little Big Planet” – This game came out a long time ago, but I still play it to this day. It promotes imagination and world building.

6. “Lego Marvel Superheroes” – A little childish, I know, but my sisters and I have a fun time roaming around New York City when we’re Spider-Man or Captain Marvel. In fact, when we went to New York, we had a good idea of where everything was because of this game.

7. “Star Wars Battlefront” – I’m not very good at this game, but I have to say, it is a lot of fun to use the force and wield a lightsaber to destroy your enemies.

8. “Just Dance” – I’m fine with any of the “Just Dance” games as long as they’re not the more recent ones. My unpopular opinion is that music was better back in the day, and those songs were easier to dance to.

9. “Disney Infinity” – This game is mostly played with my siblings, and it’s a lot of fun to see Rapunzel throwing frying pans at Rocket the Raccoon as they race around Sleeping Beauty’s castle.

10. “Kinect Wipeout” – This is a pretty old game too. I doubt many kids these days even know what a “Kinect” is. Basically, the game was exactly like that TV show called “Wipeout.” You have to run in place and jump at the right time to get through obstacles and finish the course before the other players. I don’t go outside often, so this is my way of exercising on my own.

– Taylor Jenkins, Weber High


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