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Ted Bundy: New films offer closer look at killer

By Jessica Wojciechowski tx. Correspondent - | Mar 3, 2019

Ted Bundy is one of the most notorious serial killers in history. After more than a decade of denying accusations made against him, he confessed to at least 30 homicides committed in seven states, including Utah, between 1974 and 1978.

In this time period, Bundy managed to escape prison twice in Colorado by jumping out of a window and losing 25 pounds to fit through a small hole in the ceiling of his jail cell, then proceeding to walk right out of the front door. After these escapes, Bundy fled to Florida where he murdered his last three victims.

It seems ridiculous that anyone would get away with murder for so many years; however, Bundy was well-known as handsome and charismatic, traits that he exploited to win his victims’ trust. Bundy, at one time a law student at the University of Utah, was the last person people would expect to be a serial killer.

To lure young ladies, Bundy typically acted injured, in need of help, or as a person of authority, then proceeded to trap girls — and I think you can assume what happened afterward. Even people who weren’t victims idolized Bundy for his personality, so it’s sadly not surprising how long it took officials to catch him.

Just this year, Bundy’s story resurfaced when multiple documentaries on him were released including “Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” on Netflix.

However, most notable is the Sundance film, ”Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” starring Zac Efron as Bundy. This film caused quite an uprising on social media. Many people accused Zac Efron of romanticizing Ted Bundy in the film, specifically when he winks at the camera.

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I think it is completely ironic that people are upset about this, considering Bundy was known for his charisma which was used to capture young girls. Efron is very charming — I’m a teenage girl so clearly I’m biased — which makes him perfect for the role. Many people find the Sundance film so disturbing because they can’t help but feel charmed by Efron.

This is how Bundy was; he was able to lure girls in all because he was “handsome” and “charming.”

I fall right into the description of the young women who were targeted by Bundy (women with long, straight hair — parted in the middle) so I can’t help but question if I could ever pick out a serial killer in a crowd of people. I do know, however, that I would never pin that title on someone like Zac Efron.

That proves exactly how scary Ted Bundy actually was; most people would have never pinned that on him.

Efron isn’t romanticizing Bundy, who was executed in Florida in 1989; he is simply playing the role all too well and that freaked a lot of people out, myself included.

Jessica Wojciechowski is a senior at Clearfield High School. She is a student body officer, has a black belt and is involved in many clubs. Email her at jessica.wojo22@gmail.com.

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