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Senioritis? Get over it!

By Emma Wiser tx. Correspondent - | Mar 10, 2019

Most of us seniors are, as Fremont High senior Bailey Slater puts it, "110 percent done."

With only three months left of our high school experience and education, this is the time that we should really be pushing to finish strong. However, this may be a bit difficult to do as, after 13 years, most of us just want it to be graduation already.

Senioritis is a condition where seniors just don't want to do anything. Homework is a no-go and classes just don't seem worth going to. Sluffing seems like the only option of escape, even if the trouble one will be in when parents find out would scare the Grim Reaper himself.

So let's look at a few tips for overcoming senioritis.

Remember that grades still matter.

  1. Colleges still look at your grades for third- and fourth-quarter achievement. Scholarships can be lost if the caring and hard work stop. After that, all those years of hard work and, sometimes, no social life were not worth as much as we wanted them to be, in terms of money at least.

Don't procrastinate schoolwork.

  1. As it is the end of your school years, homework is not something you want to do. You probably hope you never have to solve another quadratic equation or write another multi-page essay on a uninteresting topic. However, getting your homework done on time will ultimately help you as it will give you more time to do what you want without the stress and anxiety of knowing you still have to do it.

Take time to have fun.

  1. Go out with your friends. After this summer and graduation, who knows how often you will see each other. Take the time to go to the movies, go hiking or play board games. Do whatever it is that you love to do with your friends. Just make sure to get all your schoolwork done too.

Get involved.

  1. Only three more months of your high school experience exist. Go to games, participate in clubs and meet new people. Having something new to look forward to each day can make these last three months more exciting.

Remember how far you have come.

  1. From elementary school to junior high to high school, you have made friends, lost friends, gotten good grades, learned new skills and grown as a person. Take a moment to remember the good times you have had in your education experience so far.

Look on the bright side.

  1. High school is almost over. After graduation, you don't ever have to step foot on the campus ever again if you don't want to. Enjoy spending time with those teachers you actually like and remember how those you don't like never have to be seen again.

Find yourself.

  1. After you have taken the walk to get your diploma, your future awaits. You have to know where you are going and what you will be doing for the rest of your life. Take these last few months where you can still be a kid and learn about yourself. Find your interests so you know what to pursue for fun and for your future.

Senioritis can be a hard thing to get over. Wishing for graduation to come faster and putting off school work won't help, however. Try out these tricks and see if any work for you, or try coming up with your own as well.

With only three more months of school to go, don't let all your hard work and fun stop now. Enjoy the last bit while you can.


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