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The TX. 10: Best activities to do in quarantine

By Taylor Jenkins tx. Correspondent - | Apr 5, 2020
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TX. Cooking
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TX. Painting
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TX. Fort

1. Jackbox games. Jackbox is a series of video games that you can play right on your TV and on your phones. My family has gotten some of the games, and they are a ton of fun to play. I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs something to do!

2. Go outside. Now that we're all locked in our houses, try and go outside in your yard at least once a day.

3. Try a new recipe. We have a lot of time on our hands, especially because everything has been closed. Cook up something new!

4. Working out. We're running out of excuses to forget our workout routines. We have the time, so do your work!

5. DIY projects. Easy DIY projects are a lot of fun and they can entertain anyone.

6. Painting. I have little siblings too, and they like to spend quite a bit of time doing watercolor painting.

7. Reading. If you're like me, and have a long list of books to read, then now, more than ever, is the perfect time to read them all!

8. Play a board game. Turn off your WiFi and play a game. We shouldn't spend our whole time on the internet and on our screens. Play Clue or Monopoly, or maybe even Risk!

9. Build a fort. Everyone has done this as a kid; if you have younger siblings, building a couch fort with blankets and pillows will distract them for a while.

10. Learn a new language. With all the extra time on our hands, maybe try learning a new language. Unfortunately, we usually need the motivation instead!

-- Taylor Jenkins, Weber High


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