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The TX. 10: Greatest Marvel movies

By Staff | Apr 19, 2020
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TX. Marvel

1. "Thor: Ragnarok" -- I LOVE this movie. It's hilarious, the effects are great and iconic, and the characters that the filmmakers introduce and reintroduce are awesome.

2. "Spider-Man: Far From Home" -- I'm a big fan of Tom Holland's Spider-Man, and this film is visually amazing. The effects and illusions from Mysterio were really cool to watch, and they even confused me at times!

3. "Guardians of the Galaxy" -- As you can probably tell, I'm a fan of the funnier Marvel movies over the dark and sad ones. "Guardians" was really funny, and these guys just might be my favorite crime-fighting team.

4. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" -- Another really great movie. It was emotional (I cried), and it had the perfect balance of story and funny jokes.

5. "Ant-Man" -- I didn't have high expectations for this movie, but it turned out to be really good. I like that Scott Lang -- the hero -- still has a family that he cares about. It's nice to see that his family isn't all dead like those of some of the other heroes.

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6. "Avengers: Age of Ultron" -- Not the most popular film, but I really like it. Ultron is a great villain, mostly because he takes after Tony Stark!

7. "Captain America: Civil War" -- This movie was a big thing when it first came out. Everyone was split on their opposing sides; Captain America or Iron Man. Personally, I'm a Captain America sider, but I really liked the tension in this movie. The stakes were high if either side lost.

8. "Spider-Man: Homecoming" -- As I mentioned before, I really like the new Spider-Man. This movie really captured Peter Parker's teenage impulsivity and the consequences that eventually followed.

9. "Avengers: Infinity War" -- This was a great movie. It's only so far down on the list because it was a really sad movie that I had to cry over for an entire year.

10. "Avengers: Endgame" -- Same reason as the above listed one. The ending was absolutely tragic, even if the battle scene was super cool.

-- Taylor Jenkins, Weber High


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