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The TX. 10: Why we don’t make New Year’s resolutions

By Staff | Jan 5, 2020

1. We never remember them after we make them.

2. If we do remember them, we forget to keep them going. People are busy!!

3. Vision boards are just too much work.

4. We often make resolutions that are unreachable — it’s too hard to gauge whether our goal is attainable or not.

5. They are a lot of work; people expect us to bedazzle them and make them perfect.

6. It’s easier to simply make goals as we go along throughout the year. Things change as we go — because it’s life — and we have to adjust. That’s the nature of goals. We can’t have one goal be the center of the year.

7. Resolutions are often not enjoyable and we choose not to pursue them anymore. The fact is, if you are doing something you don’t enjoy, you won’t keep with it.

8. Resolutions are only exciting when you are making them.

9. There is so much advertisement about resolutions that it makes them that much less appealing.

10. When we make resolutions, they often correlate to people around us who won’t do their part! Families don’t really contribute to each other’s goals.

– Kaia McClure, Syracuse High


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