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The TX. 10: Worst classes we’ve ever taken

By Staff | Jan 12, 2020
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TX. Choir
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TX. Jewelry

1. Jewelry. It was really hard to shape stones and metal, and we never had time to finish our projects. That, and my hands always smelled like metal for hours after class!

2. Calligraphy. Writing in cursive is a pain.

3. AP Human Geography. It was horribly boring, and the teacher didn’t even know the content. She mostly gave us book work, and then we would sit and wait for class to end.

4. Junior High Gym. The activities we did were very mundane and we mostly ran on the track and didn’t play any sports.

5. English. So boring and all we do is write essay after essay.

6. Health. It is the most worthless class, especially when you already know most of the information.

7. Junior High Science Lab. The teacher didn’t really know what he was doing and it was always so noisy.

8. AP World History. It was hard and not a subject I was interested in.

9. General Science. All the homework!

10. Choir. My teacher and I didn’t get along, her instructions were always really confusing, and she treated us like we were kindergarteners.

– TX. Staff


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