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The TX. 10: Best and worst TV commercials

By Paige Johnson tx. Correspondent - | May 2, 2020
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TX. Commercials
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TX. Commercials

The good ones

1. Jake From State Farm: In 2011, this commercial went viral! It showed a man making a suspicious call in the middle of the night, when suddenly he gets caught by his wife. She doesn’t believe he is on a call with a State Farm representative when the famous line, “What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?” pops out of her mouth. Of course, he is just wearing khakis!

2. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: Old Spice came out with this commercial in 2010. The infamous “Look at your man, now look at me” line really makes a man think about what he uses for body wash.

3. Hump Day: 2013 brought us a historic commercial from Geico featuring a camel that just wants to tell Mike what day it is. It’s the only day it should be in the commercial because it is HUMP DAY!

4. Time Machine: This 2014 Super Bowl commercial shows a boy and his dog wanting people who pass by to try out their time machine. Their neighbor who walks by has a bag of Doritos, and the boy shouts to the neighbor that the time machine runs on Doritos. When the man emerges from the time machine, there is an old man outside the time machine, and he thinks the man is the young boy that let him use the time machine.

5. A Man Who Loves to Clean: Mr. Clean gets revamped in this commercial that shows off his fancy dance moves as he helps clean a lady’s house, and she is loving it! It puts a new spin on the usually serious character and shows he has a fun side.

Not so hot

6. Puppy Monkey Baby: This Mountain Dew commercial aired back in 2016 during Super Bowl L (or 50). The puppy monkey baby featured in this commercial is a thing of nightmares. The creature is also annoying as it marches around the room chanting “puppy monkey baby” like it is a demonic ritual.

7. S & S Roofing: The concept of involving the elderly in a commercial is supposed to bring a sense of home and belonging, but with this commercial, that is not the case. They have the poor people screaming “Call S & S Roofing today!” in such a repetitive manner that it makes those who listen to it cringe.

8. Airheads Subway: This commercial is an all-around “train wreck,” if you catch what I’m saying. People eat the Airhead candy and become literal airheads. The commercial has a nightmarish quality to it as people bump into each other and move around inside the train car.

9. Chicken Baseball: Bud Light made a questionable commercial in 1998 showing a chicken that becomes a pitcher and launches an egg from its bottom. Not to mention, the chicken was not actually a chicken. It was a rooster, and they unfortunately do not lay eggs.

10. Kia Soul Hamsters: This commercial by far takes the cake for being the worst. The beginning of the commercial has robots fighting against each other in a torn-up city, but not to worry! A green Kia Soul drives up with gangster hamsters that get out of the car and start dancing to “Party Rock Anthem!” Then suddenly, all the robots stop fighting and start dancing with them! That is not the end of it, though. An alien space ship also shows up and starts the disco lights up so everyone can party!

– Paige Johnson, Syracuse High

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