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Dozens of law professors say Utah failed to protect Great Salt Lake

Law professors from around the country threw their support behind a lawsuit filed against the state of Utah, arguing officials haven’t done enough to help the Great Salt Lake. In an amicus brief filed in Utah’s 3rd District Court last week, 36 law professors say Utah is violating public trust doctrine, which requires the state to protect cultural or natural resources for public use, including bodies of water, land, artifacts or wildlife. It’s the latest in a lawsuit filed in September by Earthjustice, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, American Bird Conservancy, ...

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Letter: Traffic tickets are issued to serve public safety

Mayor Ben Nadolski and Police Chief Eric Young are doing a great job for the residents of Ogden. The fact is every single ticket written by OPD was necessary, legitimate and for a violation of the law that is designed to keep people and especially children safe on our roads in Ogden. Ogden is ...

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