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National Commentary

Charen: The far left and the far right agree on Jew hatred

They came waving Palestinian flags and clad in the keffiyehs that have become a symbol of the Palestinian cause. Dozens of chanting protesters crowded the street outside Goldie, a vegan restaurant serving Israeli-inspired dishes in central Philadelphia, blocking traffic and chanting, "Goldie, ...

De Rugy: What should happen when fuel-efficient vehicles take over the roads

The government has a dilemma: It's pushing hard for fuel-efficient vehicles, but gas taxes pay for roads. There's an obvious fix, but are Americans ready for it? Granted, tax credits, subsidies and government mandates aren't delivering the electric-vehicle sales surge the Biden administration ...

Harrop: What happens if anti-vaxxers just face the consequences?

"Medical Freedom" crusaders are trying to end vaccination requirements for schoolchildren. Places where they succeed, epidemiologists warn, will, for starters, become overrun with measles, a disease that was virtually eliminated thanks to vaccines. Measles used to kill up to 500 people a year, ...

Garvey: ‘The Golden Bachelor’: Being seen, not being loved is the answer

I watched the finale of "The Golden Bachelor" last night, as one does when it's on, the kids are in bed and your mother-in-law has poured you a glass of wine. It was a wild ride, but no spoiler alert is necessary here: This column is about the show, but it's also not about the show. Because ...

Barone: Orwell and Monroe got it right

George Orwell, call your office. That's my initial and slightly out-of-date response to news stories about the Biden administration's efforts to stamp out "misinformation." It's an interesting irony that covert censorship should be undertaken enthusiastically by those who call themselves ...

Napolitano: Hey, Mike Johnson: It’s the Constitution you’re trashing!

The right to privacy — to be left alone, to engage in personal behavior and communications immune from government regulation or surveillance, to be yourself — is a fundamental human right that we all exercise every day. It is also a constitutional right since it is expressly protected by ...

Robbins: The Truman Show: Another uncool president makes his mark

On Dec. 26, 1972, hours after Harry Truman's death, Senator-elect Joseph Biden sent Truman's widow a condolence telegram. The 33rd American president, Biden wrote, had proved a historic leader, one who had "made his mark" for being "purposeful, smart and tough." Truman had been bitterly ...

Williams: Ordinary Americans are the nation’s unshakable greatness

Thanksgiving is a time for both festivities and reflection. The United States has had the best of times and the worst of times, prosperity and depressions, joys of peace and privations and cruelties of war. But throughout these vicissitudes, there has been one bright constant: the decency of ...

Barone: Give thanks to the founders

There's plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season — at least if you take your eyes off a presidential race in which most voters want to reject both candidates with big leads for their parties' nomination and in which international news is dominated by Hamas' atrocities against Israel ...

De Rugy: A Thanksgiving lesson from grateful and prepared American families

Most Americans meticulously plan their Thanksgiving meals and travel, sometimes budgeting months in advance to celebrate at a reasonable price tag. This prudent embodiment of both gratitude and restraint starkly contrasts with the approach of our politicians. It's an inconsistency that, ...