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Is it possible to renovate old buildings with uPVC windows

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By Staff | Apr 23, 2024

Renovating old buildings inherently sets certain requirements for the design and the materials used in the renovation. Not everything that sounds good at first is actually good.

While new constructions focus on using the most energy-efficient and modern materials in all areas, modernizing an old building is always a compromise between the existing substance and the standard of a modern building. For example, do you want to preserve the beautiful brick appearance of the exterior walls, or is external thermal insulation more important? This example highlights the decision-making dilemma in many areas of old building renovation.

However, this dilemma is not as significant with windows, since a triple-glazed window will always visually differ from an original from the 1940s or 1950s, regardless of the frame material. Modern materials and shapes combined with an old building also offer great opportunities to breathe new life into the old building. For instance, uPVC windows are particularly low-maintenance and are known for their long lifespan and high thermal efficiency. Depending on the location of your property, it might be especially advantageous to choose uPVC windows if it is exposed to special weather conditions.

When selecting the right window, various questions must be considered that influence the configuration of your product, such as the location when it comes to material, insulation value, and soundproofing. But burglary protection should not be neglected if the window is easily accessible.

Energy Efficiency

These days, the importance of energy efficiency is becoming increasingly clear. Energy prices are rising, and an end is hardly in sight. Since windows are part of the exterior wall, they play a special role in energy renovation. Modern uPVC windows, triple-glazed, can achieve thermal protection values (U-value) of 0.9 or less in the right configuration. The smaller the value, the better. Window areas make up a significant part of the exterior facade and are therefore just as important as exterior walls and the roof. Only as a whole does the energy renovation of an old building make sense. Comparing old, single-glazed windows and double-glazed from the 90s with modern windows, the heat loss of single-glazed is about four times higher and double-glazed about three times higher. These data show that an old building does not necessarily have to be very old to consider replacing the windows.

Given the lifespan of a window of many decades, it makes sense to invest a few more euros to save several times the higher purchase price in heating costs over the entire lifespan. Moreover, investing in new windows increases the value of the property. Good insulation protects the building fabric by preventing condensation and thus reducing the risk of mold growth. But not only do better windows benefit the building. The impact on living comfort and associated personal health is also a significant aspect.

To achieve a comfortable indoor climate, it is recommended to monitor the humidity in living spaces. Too dry or too moist rooms affect health. The recommended humidity in occupied rooms should be between 40 and 60 percent at a temperature of 20 to 23 degrees. A humidity of over 80 percent over a longer period makes mold growth very likely.

Optical integration into the existing object

As individual as the appearance of an older building is, so are the possibilities to adapt modern uPVC windows to the existing look. The choice of colors and shapes is almost endless - for example, at https://oknoplast.us/upvc-windows/ . It is also possible to have uPVC windows custom-made and purchased for special shape requirements. In addition to the shapes, there is a wide selection of colors. Especially trendy is buying uPVC windows in black. But almost any other color and pattern are available. UPVC windows can also be conveniently purchased online. Configurators, which guide you through the ordering process, are now standard for large retailers. When assembling your windows, make sure to choose components with the best possible thermal insulation."


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