Two challenging Moore for US House seat

Supplied and Standard-Examiner file photos
U.S. House Utah District 1 candidates Bill Campbell, left, and Blake Moore, right. Not pictured is Daniel Cottam.Utah U.S. House District 1 incumbent Blake Moore (Republican) is facing two challengers for his seat in congress.
Facing Moore are Bill Campbell (Democratic) and Daniel R. Cottam (Libertarian).
The Standard-Examiner reached out to all three candidates’ campaigns with a series of questions for the candidates. As of press time, the Standard-Examiner only received answers from Campbell and will utilize Moore’s information on the candidates page.
Cottam did not submit answers to the Standard-Examiner or a profile to the page.
Campbell said in his emailed response that his past has prepared him for the role of congressman.
“I have honorably served executive roles for local businesses, charities, and community organizations,” he said. “The most locally significant involves 20+ years as Autoliv ASP’s CFO. As a CPA and Utah State University MBA, my role managed competing and conflicting stakeholders’ interests. The proven, most vital success criteria was my independent mindset, considering and respecting all stakeholders but also preventing special interests’ desires from inserting bias into decision making processes.”
Moore has served in the U.S. House since 2021.
“Blake Moore was elected Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference in 2023 and has positioned both himself and Utah in a pivotal leadership role within Congress,” his description said. “Blake currently serves on influential committees, including the powerful Ways & Means Committee, the pivotal Budget Committee, and the influential Steering Committee. He is dedicated to supporting Utah’s small and local businesses and was recognized with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s prestigious ‘Spirit of Enterprise’ award.”
Why are you running?
Campbell said he’s running for a brighter future.
“My wife Amy & I grew up in modest situations,” he said. “We are grateful though our parents and community shared a unifying desire: ensure a better future. They made sacrifices and took the necessary actions to improve our future. Today many politicians do not share that traditional aspiration. They are serving self and special interests, taking us down dangerous, undesirable paths. I can and will change our country’s direction toward a better future. My life experiences have provided me with the proven capability and opportunity to positively Pay It Forward.”
Moore is looking to deliver on conservative principles.
“Renowned for his proactive approach to problem-solving, he collaborates with colleagues to deliver results while steadfastly upholding his conservative principles,” his description said. “Blakes advocates for an aspirational, pro-growth, and determined conservative agenda tailored to future generations.”
Campbell said his focuses are ultimately on “U.”
“My Priority is U: You, Unity, Utah, USA,” he said.
“Priority U preferences You, not special interests.
“I do not accept donations. You keep your money; I eliminate bias.
“Priority U progresses Unity, not divisiveness.
“Our best future is achieved by collaboration not criticism.
“Priority U promotes Utah Values: Family, Faith, Freedom.
“We must build our country on the strongest foundation.
“Priority U protects USA’s border security, children, and healthcare.
“We can lead globally without subordinating our critical responsibilities.”
He added that he’s also got an eye on rebuilding trust and financial mismanagement.
“Excessive government spending increases our debt and burdens the future,” he said. “The resultant increase in demand also drives higher inflation. Leaders should not ignore their negative impact and cast blame upon others. I will progress actions decreasing unnecessary spending and government over-reach.
“We Need to Restore Trust in our political institutions. Corruption, partisanship, and special interests have eroded public confidence. We must restore integrity and transparency to our political processes, ensuring that elected officials are accountable to the people they serve.
“When people hear about politicians’ net worth significantly increasing through stock trading, corporate donations and gifts, they become concerned about whether they are truly representing their constituents.
“As an experienced Chief Financial Officer, Certified Public Accountant, and Retirement Plan Fiduciary my oath requires me to even avoid even the perception of a conflict of interest. Actions already completed in this regard include Not Accepting Donations, Taking the No Stock Trading Pledge, the Term Limits Pledge, and the Dignity Oath.”
Moore also aims to focus on finances.
“Blake’s legislative prowess is evident, having been hailed as the most successful freshman Republican member in terms of legislation passed and earning the title of ‘Fiscal Hero’ from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget,” his description said.
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