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Ogden’s Edison Elementary to be demolished

By Becky Wright, Standard-Examiner Staff - | May 12, 2016
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The Ogden School Board has approved funding to demolish the Edison Elementary School building, which has been closed for several years. Work should begin in a few weeks, and be finished by the end of summer.

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Edison Elementary is shuttered and abandoned, slowly being overtaken with weeds and graffiti the longer it lies dormant in Ogden.

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Trees and bushes have begun to grow over a side entrance at Edison Elementary in Ogden.

OGDEN — Ogden School District’s old Edison Elementary building will soon be gone.

During a May 5 meeting, the Ogden School Board approved costs for demolition of the school, which has been closed for almost a decade. Crews are expected to begin work within a few weeks, and the entire building should be gone by the end of summer.

“It’s imminent, however, we don’t know the exact date the demolition will begin,” said Zac Williams, spokesman for the school district. “It’s dependent on the disconnection of power utilities to the school.”

Board members approved a cost of $268,071 for the demolition, according to Steve Torman, supervisor of buildings and grounds for the district. The figure includes $19,790 for AJC Architects of Salt Lake City, to be sure the property is properly backfilled and landscaped after demolition; $19,001 for Rocky Mountain Power to disconnect power service; $350 for Questar Gas to disconnect its service; $77,340 for Fresh Air Environmental Solutions, Inc., of Salt Lake City, for removal of asbestos; and $151,590 for Impact Demolition, of Salt Lake City, to demolish the school.

The building, located at 935 E. 1050 North, has been tagged with graffiti and plagued by a leaky roof.

“Within a couple of weeks you should start seeing equipment there, and some action taken,” Torman said.

• RELATED: Ogden district wants to demolish old elementary school

Ogden School District intends to keep the property, in case there’s a need for it in the future, according to Williams. But for now, it will be transformed into a park. 

“We’re working with Ogden City, and they’re going to be turning it into playing fields for soccer and lacrosse,” said Ken Crawford, director of support services at Ogden School District. 

You can reach reporter Becky Wright at bwright@standard.net or at 801-625-4274. Follow her on Twitter at @ReporterBWright or like her on Facebook.


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