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Mount Ogden JHS students, parents help with beautification effort

By Tim Vandenack - | Nov 22, 2022
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Parents and students from Mount Ogden Junior High work outside the school on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022, as they help with the first phase of a beautification effort spearheaded by the school's Parent Teacher Student Association.
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Parents and students from Mount Ogden Junior High work outside the school on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022, as they help with the first phase of a beautification effort spearheaded by the school's Parent Teacher Student Association. Denise Little, left, a PTSA member and Mount Ogden parent, is helping lead the effort.
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Parents and students from Mount Ogden Junior High work outside the school on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022, as they help with the first phase of a beautification effort spearheaded by the school's Parent Teacher Student Association.

OGDEN -- Parents and students at Mount Ogden Junior High School are pitching in on a beautification project at the school that's also being incorporated into some of the classrooms.

A contingent from the Mount Ogden Parent Teacher Student Association, or PTSA, gathered recently at the school to remove leaves and overgrowth from the front of the school at 3260 Harrison Blvd., ahead of the planned landscaping effort. Students were to continue the efforts outside with the planting of some 800 bulbs and in the classroom via observation over time of how the flowers manage, mainly after they start growing next spring.

"We really wanted to beautify the school. Hopefully the community and students take ownership," said Denise Little, a member of the PTSA and the parent of a Mount Ogden student.

Chrystal Jordan-Brown, another PTSA member and Mount Ogden parent, said the idea dates back to 2018 when she discussed with school leaders the idea of some sort of beautification effort that would involve students. Plans quickly came together this fall and around 25 people gathered on Nov. 12 for the initial clean-up effort.

"We are doing the heavy lifting so the school can focus on teaching," said Jordan-Brown.

The landscaped areas around the main entry to the school will be adorned with blue and white flowers, the school colors. More flowers will be placed along the front, most visible part of the school, with the project being completed in phases.

Students from around 19 classrooms will be involved in the varied efforts. Lehi-based Thanksgiving Point donated some of the flower bulbs and as part of the deal, students will monitor growth of the flowers after they're planted, providing the information back to the organization.

Jordan-Brown said professional landscapers are also donating their time and know-how in use of landscaping software to assist the students. "Academic tie-ins with science, math, history, digital design, Utah studies, psychology, anthropology, marketing and career awareness, etc., make this project a unique applied-learning experience," she said.

Ogden School District spokesperson Jer Bates indicated the Mount Ogden initiative is unique.

"I am not familiar (with) any recent events similar to this except for a school beautification project at Shadow Valley Elementary School last spring that included building and planting new green spaces and planter boxes," he said.


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