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New police detective included in proposed Kaysville budget

By Bryon Saxton, Standard-Examiner Staff - | May 29, 2015

KAYSVILLE — The city’s need for a new police detective, a deputy chief in the fire department, and additional administrative support are all addressed in a proposed $39.8 2015-16 fiscal year budget. 

But no tax increase is added to that budget.

“It’s a pretty no-frills budget,” Kaysville Mayor Steve Hiatt said.

The biggest ticket items in the budget include new city hires.

“Increased level of service is planned in public safety with the addition of a detective position in the police department and a deputy chief in the fire department,” a report prepared by city staff read.

“The police department budget also includes additional administrative support by changing a part-time position to full time,” the report stated.

A public hearing on the budget will be held at 6 p.m. June 2, at City Hall, 23 E. Center Street, Kaysville.

Of the $39.8 million budget, about $15.1 million is part of those expenditures and revenues associated with the Kaysville Power Company.

Hiatt said the need for the additional staff in the police department stems from an increased caseload. The parks department budget also includes moving a part-time position to full-time to provide on-going services.

The proposed budget also includes a 1/2 percent cost-of-living and a maximum 4.5 percent merit increase for the city’s 91 full-time employees, Hiatt said.

The budget also includes a $2 a month pass-through increase from the Central Davis Sewer District and a modest increase in the water fund in making that fund self-sustaining.

The increase in the water fund rate will be incentive-based, with the most conservative water users to based on an average of per-gallons of water used daily, paying the least, versus assessing residents a “flat” increase across the board.

Most of the city’s residents, 85 percent, will see a monthly increase of $1.35 to $4.30 depending on water usage, Hiatt said.

The current base amount Kaysville residents pay for water is $21 a month.

Contact reporter Bryon Saxton at 801-625-4244 or bsaxton@standard.net. Follow him on Twitter at @BryonSaxton.


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