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Ben Nadolski, Taylor Knuth lead in fundraising in Ogden mayoral race

By Tim Vandenack - | Aug 31, 2023

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Seven candidates are running for mayor in Ogden, with voting culminating on Sept. 5, 2023. They are, clockwise from top left, Bart Blair, Angel Castillo, Taylor Knuth, Ben Nadolski, Chris Barragan and Jon Greiner. Oscar Mata is in the center.

OGDEN -- Ogden mayoral hopeful Ben Nadolski led the way in fundraising among the seven contenders, with $103,349.88 in all in donations.

Next closest was Taylor Knuth, according to campaign finance reports that were due Tuesday. Knuth had generated $90,632.83 in donations, including $12,370.89 of his own money.

Notwithstanding the possibility that some candidates may purposefully put a cap on the outside donations they're willing to take, the dollar amounts offer an indication of relative support they have, excluding donations by the contenders to their own campaigns. The respective hopefuls' war chests also indicate the resources they're able to pump into their campaign efforts.

Mail-in ballots for the primary are out and voting culminates next Tuesday. The top two vote-getters face off in November.

Oscar Mata had generated $74,567.43 in funding, including $24,500 in funds and loans from his own pocket. Another $5,000 came from a business he co-owns, the Ethical Assessment Center.

Jon Greiner generated $42,025, including a $20,000 loan to his campaign from his own pocket.

Angel Castillo had generated $28,217.98, Chris Barragan had generated $25,018.50 and Bart Blair had $15,575, excluding a $477.12 deficit from a previous campaign.

Nadolski, Castillo, Barragan and Blair didn't report putting any of their own money into their campaigns.

Here are more details from the reports:

Ben Nadolski: Nadolski listed 122 itemized donations, including 30 of $1,000 or more.

He had 11 monetary or in-kind donations of $5,000, the top dollar amount. The donors included Utah Forward Political Action Committee of Ogden, Jason Coates of Ogden, Tokyo Station of Ogden, the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors of Ogden, Wall Consultant Group of Saratoga Springs and Sunrise Engineering of Fillmore. The other $5,000 donors were Tonnco Inc. of Morgan; John and Melissa Lewis of the Eden area; Bart Nadolski of Scottsdale, Arizona; Mary and Sergio Suarez of Stone Park, Illinois; and Ogden Sign and Graphic of Ogden.

Nadolski had a surplus of $30,978.78 at the end of the report period, the most by far of any of the seven candidates.

Taylor Knuth: Knuth listed 461 itemized donations, excluding his own, easily the most of any of the mayoral contenders. He had 21 donations of $1,000 or more, again excluding his own donations. He had one $5,000 donation, from Sean Bishop of Ogden.

He had $4,629.33 left at the end of the reporting period.

Oscar Mata: Mata listed 217 itemized donations, excluding the donations and loans he pumped into his campaign. He had 12 donations of $1,000 or more, excluding his own loans and donations. He had two $5,000 donations, from Brayden Mata and Berklee Mata, both from the West Warren area.

Mata had $1,373.93 in funds left over.

Jon Greiner: Greiner listed 18 itemized donations, excluding the money he put into the campaign. He had nine donations of $1,000 or more, excluding his own. He had two $5,000 donations, from John Lindquist and Kelly Combe, both of Ogden.

At the end of the period, he had $1,466.20 left.

Angel Castillo: Castillo itemized 80 individual contributions, including 11 of $1,000 or more, though no $5,000 donations. She had $4,023.39 left over.

Chris Barragan: Barragan itemized 40 individual contributions, including seven of $1,000 or more. He had three $5,000 donations, from Brooke Barragan of Ogden, David Eaton of Orem and Todd Thueson of Salt Lake City.

Barragan had $9,717.75 left over at the end of the reporting period.

Bart Blair: Blair listed 16 individual contributions, five of them $1,000 or more. He had one $5,000 donation, from Kent Collins of Ogden.

Blair had $9,262.10 left over.

Mike Caldwell is the incumbent mayor, but he's not seeking reelection.


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