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New challenger declares for 4th District seat on Ogden council

By Rob Nielsen - | May 11, 2023

Photo supplied, Alexander Castagno

Alexander Castagno declared his intentions to run for the Ogden City Council's 4th District seat on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

OGDEN -- The race for City Council grew a bit this week.

On Wednesday, Alexander Castagno declared his intentions to run for the council's 4th District seat in a press release to the Standard-Examiner.

Castagno said this isn't his first foray into the world of politics.

"In 2018, I actually ran for state Senate in Sandy," he said. "When I was there, I ran as a third party with the United Utah Party and still managed to get 33% of the vote -- about 13,000. I've also ran a couple of other campaigns in Salt Lake for City Council."

He said he liked the opportunity before him in Ogden.

"I saw that there was going to be an empty seat and I thought it would be a good time to run," he said. "I think Ogden has a lot of potential and I've got some good ideas that I can put in."

Castagno said his slogan is "Vision, Progress and Trust."

"My vision for our city is one of progress and opportunity," he said in his candidacy announcement. "I believe that with the right leadership, we can build a vibrant and sustainable community that provides for the needs of all residents. I am dedicated to working towards this vision by bringing innovative ideas and solutions to the table."

Castagno added that he would like to build up the city's food infrastructure as well as economic opportunities.

"Some of my main focuses as your representative would be to bring more food options into each neighborhood and to bring high-paying jobs into our city," his press statement reads. "Ogden has been designated as a food desert and I believe that everyone deserves access to healthy food. I want to encourage more grocery stores, restaurants, and pharmacies to open in our community. With the cost of living rising faster than ever, I want to bring businesses to Ogden that will pay a living wage to employees to offset these costs. I specifically want to attract sporting companies since I believe Ogden has unrivaled access to nature."

Additionally, Castagno said he wants to improve road infrastructure and is committed to the citizens of Ogden.

"As your city council representative, I will be transparent and accountable to all members of our community," he said in the release. "I will listen carefully to your concerns and ensure that your voice is heard in every decision that I make. Whether it's revitalizing our neighborhoods, creating new job opportunities, or promoting public health and safety, I am committed to making Ogden a better place for everyone."

Castagno joins Austin Raymond in the race for the District 4 seat being vacated by Ben Nadolski, who is running for mayor of Ogden.


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