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Bingham in lead to be new Hooper mayor

By Rob Nielsen - | Nov 21, 2023

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Hooper mayoral hopeful Sheri Bingham.

HOOPER -- Hooper City is set to get a new mayor, and one candidate had a strong lead at the close of voting on election night.

In the initial batch of votes released Tuesday night, Sheri Bingham had 1,172 votes (58.19%) versus 842 votes (41.81%) favoring Greg Simpson.

According to Weber County Clerk/Auditor Ricky Hatch, an estimated 86% of ballots have been counted and nearly all of the rest will be tallied, with updated results being released Wednesday evening.

Current Mayor Dale Fowers opted to run for a position on the Hooper City Council.

The results of the election are unofficial and will be canvassed in two weeks.


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