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Nadolski wins Ogden mayoral race, looks forward to continuing service with city

By Rob Nielsen - | Nov 22, 2023

Tim Vandenack, Standard-Examiner

Ogden mayoral hopeful Ben Nadolski, photographed Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023, at an election night gathering with supporters at the Copper Nickel in Ogden.

OGDEN -- Ben Nadolski is poised to be the mayor of Ogden.

As of 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nadolski -- who is currently the District 4 representative on the City Council -- was up with 6,258 votes (54.27%) versus Taylor Knuth's 5,274 votes (45.73%).

Weber County Clerk/Auditor Ricky Hatch said an estimated 99% of ballots have been counted and likely only a handful will filter through in the days following Thanksgiving.

Nadolski said, even with the campaign behind him, the hard work isn't done yet.

"We've got a lot of work to do in terms of a transition, and that transition period is shortened because of the extended timeline of the campaign," he said. "We'll have a lot of work to do to prepare for the day that we take office. I want to make sure I've got a plan in place that helps me welcome and engage the city staff to make sure that they get to know me, I get to know them and that we have a vision and expectations that we can share so that they know the direction that we're wanting to go and that we can make sure to achieve alignment across all the departments in the city."

He added that he also wants to spend the transition time meeting with city and community partners to build bridges so those relationships are in place before taking the oath as mayor.

In a statement posted to Facebook, Knuth said he was proud to have been able to run for the office.

"Although this result is not what we had hoped for, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to dedicate so much to the city that built me," the statement read. "One way or another, I can't wait to continue building Ogden's future with all of you."

Knuth had placed first in the primary election from a field of seven candidates.

Nadolski said he's extremely thankful for the opportunity to continue his service to the community.

"It's an honor I don't take lightly, so I'm eager to get to work for (the people of Ogden) and make sure to deliver on the promises made and the needs that people have shared throughout this campaign," he said. "I'm really proud of the campaign we ran. I'm really proud that Ogden saw the campaign and it resonated with them, that they supported our positive message and rising above kind of the politics of the usual and focusing on building community."

The seat has been guaranteed a new face after Mayor Mike Caldwell opted not to run for reelection this year.

The results of this election are currently unofficial and will be canvassed at a City Council meeting Dec. 5.


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