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Nikki Haley makes campaign stop in Orem ahead of Super Tuesday

By Carlene Coombs - Daily Herald | Feb 28, 2024
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Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson introduces Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Attendees wait for Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley to speak during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson greets Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Utah Sen. Mike McKell stands with other supporters of Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Attendees wait for Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley to speak during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.
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Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson introduces Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a campaign rally at Utah Valley University in Orem on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024.

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley made a stop in Utah on Wednesday as part of a series of campaign stops as Super Tuesday approaches.

The former South Carolina governor faced a full crowd at Utah Valley University, where she lambasted former President Donald Trump and criticized current President Joe Biden's record in office.

Much of her speech centered on what she believes to be the negative impact Trump has had on the Republican Party and elections for conservatives.

"We are in a ship with a hole and that hole is Donald Trump," she said, urging voters to seek a "new direction."

Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson, who has formally endorsed Haley, introduced the presidential candidate and urged voters to support her in the presidential preference poll at the upcoming Republican caucus.

"We need a leader who brings people together, a leader who unites rather than divides, a leader who understands that disagreement is OK, but how you disagree is really, really important," Henderson said.

Haley also has received endorsements from Spanish Fork Sen. Mike McKell, who was in attendance Wednesday, and Utah first lady Abby Cox.

Haley repeatedly attacked Biden's handling of the U.S.-Mexico border, calling for a national program ensuring employees are legal citizens, defunding "sanctuary cities," adding 25,000 Border Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and reimplementing a "Remain in Mexico" policy.

"Instead of catch and release, we'll go to catch and deport," she said. "That is what will stop what's happening on the border."

She also criticized Trump for discouraging GOP Congress members from voting in favor of a recent bipartisan immigration bill, saying he needs to "stay out of it."

Haley, who is a former U.N. ambassador, also criticized the former president's handling of foreign policy, pointing to recent comments made by Trump where he said he would encourage Russia to do "whatever the hell they want" to NATO allies who don't pay enough.

"Trump decided to side with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, who's made no bones about the fact that he wants to destroy America," Haley said. "And he wants to side with him over the allies that stood with us after 9/11."

Haley pointed to the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine conflicts and national security concerns with China and North Korea, saying, "This is the time when America needs a leader that has moral clarity," a statement that garnered a loud cheer and applause from the crowd.

The candidate made a couple of stabs at Biden's age, a common attack against his run for reelection, and also called for "mental competency tests" for federal lawmakers, calling Congress the "most privileged nursing home in the country."

While taking questions from reporters before her speech, Haley questioned the current trajectory of the Republican Party, saying she's seeing a move toward isolationism and less "fiscal discipline," which she blames on Trump.

"This is now becoming a party that's pushing people out of our party, as opposed to the Republican Party I believe in, where you bring more people in," Haley said.

Salt Lake City residents Natasha and Penny Luch, who attended Haley's rally, both expressed enthusiastic support for the Republican candidate.

"We want to support her 100% because she's the only one that's going to bring this country back," said Natasha Luch, a former Republican Party member who has since switched to unaffiliated.

Penny Luch said she is impressed with Haley's foreign policy experience, adding she would feel "100% safe" if Haley were president.

Both women said they plan on voting for Haley in the Utah GOP presidential preference poll and said they'll likely vote for her in the general election, even if she isn't the Republican nominee.

"She's on the ballot for me, one way or the other," Penny Luch said.

Shelly and David Leatham, both Republicans from Holladay, also were attending the rally in support of Haley, saying they prefer her over Trump.

"I think she reflects our views as Republicans better than he does," David Leatham said.

Shelly Leatham said she voted for Biden last year because she does not support Trump.

"I would vote for Biden again, if it comes down to the two, but he's so old," she said. "We would prefer someone young. And my whole life I've been hoping to support a woman president."


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