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Telehealth care available in Weber School District

A student is at school and comes down with an earache. Does that warrant a call to the parents to check their child out and take them home? Not necessarily. With parental consent, if your child attends one of the 17 schools running a new program in the Weber School District, they can go to ...

Physicians preach protection from frostbite during icy temperatures

Frigid temperatures are here, and that means a higher risk for cold-related problems — especially frostbite. On Friday, physicians who work in the burn center at University of Utah Health warned Utahns about the seriousness of frostbite, how to avoid it or treat it, and when to seek medical ...

Intermountain Health celebrates another banner year for organ donations

Intermountain Health celebrated another record-breaking year of adult transplants in 2024. The announcement was made Monday morning during a press conference. Last year, 489 organs were successfully transplanted at the Intermountain Health Adult Transplant program, located at Intermountain ...

Ogden Fire Department to add homeless medical advocate position

OGDEN — A new position inside the Ogden City Fire Department will help first responders better care for a vulnerable population. On Tuesday, a press release from the city heralded the addition of a homeless medical advocate position to the Ogden Fire Department. "This initiative — funded ...