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Ogden skydivers repeat as skydiving national champions

By Brett Hein, Standard-Examiner Staff - | Oct 26, 2016

ELOY, Ariz. -- Three Ogden-area skydivers have repeated as championships at the National Championships of Vertical Formation Skydiving.

Kai Buchholz, Dusty Hanks and Jake Jensen won gold earlier this week at the 2016 U.S. Parachute Association National Skydiving Championships at Skydive Arizona in Eloy, Arizona, according to a news release from the association.

According to the release, the national championships draw nearly 500 skydivers from across the country to compete in five different skydiving disciplines.

In vertical formation skydiving, teams exit the plane more than 2 miles above the ground and perform maneuvers in freefall on upright and upside-down axes, and complete as many pre-designated formations as possible. A videographer jumps with the team to capture the maneuvers for the judges on the ground.

Buchholz, 31, Hanks, 40, and Jensen, 35, have each completed more than 6,000 jumps and fly locally at Skydive Ogden and iFLY Utah, according to the release.


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