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Give school supplies to kids in need at Pack the Bus, Backpack Bonanza events

By Janae Francis, Standard-Examiner Staff - | Aug 3, 2017

OGDEN — There’s an easy way to raise your spirits in the next week by investing in a few crayons, binders and backpacks to help children in need.

United Way of Northern Utah and Catholic Community Services of Northern Utah are collecting school supplies for the annual Backpack Bonanza, an event that channels donations to kids in need. They hope to collect supplies for more than 2,000 local children.

“For many of our families, the excitement of back-to-school is tempered by the anxiety of trying to find the financial means to provide their children with all the things that they need to be successful,” said Terry Humphreys, principal of T.O. Smith Elementary School in Ogden.

To help meet their goal, the two nonprofits will host the annual Pack the Bus event Monday, Aug. 7, at Mount Ogden Junior High, 3260 Harrison Blvd., Ogden. Supplies will be collected in a school bus at the event, which runs from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Those who can’t make it to the event can drop off donations through Tuesday, Aug. 8, at:

  • United Way of Northern Utah, 2955 Harrison Blvd., Suite 201 in Ogden, weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or
  • Catholic Community Services of Northern Utah, 2504 “F” Ave. in Ogden, weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Most of the donations will be distributed at Backpack Bonanza, an event that runs from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Aug. 11 and 12. Children with preset appointments will get backpacks filled with supplies at the event, which takes place at Catholic Community Services, 2504 F Ave. in Ogden.

About 600 of the backpacks collected at United Way of Northern Utah will be funneled to the agency’s Welcome Baby program, which will benefit preschool children and schoolchildren in Box Elder County, said Christy Jacobs, media specialist at United Way of Northern Utah.

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Of the 1,400 backpacks CCS expects to dole out this year, Bosgieter said the agency has already collected 700. However, items to fill the backpacks have been in short supply so far, she said.

“In the past couple of years, we’ve had an Eagle Scout project to collect supplies, but we didn’t have one of those this year,” Bosgieter said. “I am a little worried.”

Bosgieter is hoping many in the community will pitch in to make a difference for the children who need help.

“A lot of people may not be able to buy a lot,” she said. “They still can purchase a few items. Everyone’s little pile adds up with everyone else’s pile of school supplies.”

Pack the Bus organizers have asked for donations of backpacks, pencil boxes, binders, paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, highlighters, rulers, scissors, glue sticks, markers, colored pencils and crayons.

Cash donations will also be accepted at the event. The United Way is also collecting monetary donations to buy supplies through its website, uwnu.org/backpacks.

In addition to a DJ and games for kids, The World’s Best Corn Dogs food truck will be at Pack the Bus. More information about the event is available on its Facebook page.  

Those who need donated backpacks and school supplies for their children may call 801-394-5944 for an appointment.

You may reach reporter JaNae Francis at jfrancis@standard.net or 801-625-4228. Follow her on Twitter at @JaNaeFrancisSE or like her on Facebook at facebook.com/SEJaNaeFrancis. 


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