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U-Talk: What is the biggest issue, for you, this election year?

By Staff | Oct 3, 2022
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Hunter Johnson
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Amy Alvarado
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Grant Protzman
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Brian Chung
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Jayson Pahed

“I think I am concerned with people not voicing their opinions when they should. I feel like a lot of people don’t go out and vote. … I feel like we have a lack of voter response, which is my issue. If you want change, you need to go out and make a change. The youth will not vote when they should. I feel like a lot of people think that their vote will not matter because it is such a small percent, but the percentages add up eventually. So, I think you need to take that out of your mind and just know that you’re going out and making a difference. We have to believe that our voices make a difference, focusing on the positives of making your voices heard. … I feel like I am doing my part, my civil duty, when I vote, so I get excited.” — Hunter Johnson, Ogden

“That I do not know. I do not vote. I just feel that my voice does not matter. That’s what it all comes down to for me, personally. I mean, I do not pay attention to these politics and politicians, because I truly believe that my opinions do not matter at all.” — Amy Alvarado, Ogden

“I am looking for integrity and ability to solve problems. Currently, we have people who just call each other names and never get beyond the soundbites necessary for reelection and we have huge problems that need to be addressed. But problem-solving needs to be addressed. I am frankly disappointed and appalled at both political parties; they have moved to the extreme, they do not focus on common sense solutions. As an average American, I feel like they are not interested in what I care about. … I want quality education that is not micromanaged, which is not testing and other federal mandates. I would like to have economic growth that is clean and has longevity to it. I would like to have attention paid to our climate. We have serious problems which we have neglected. … We live in one of the two or three driest states in America (and) we do a terrible job at creating incentives for people to save water.” — Grant Protzman, North Ogden

“Maturity of the candidates, because the wrong people are leading right now. We have senior leadership of the upper levels of every aspect of the government that are there for the wrong reasons, and many professions these days people pursue them for the power and the money as opposed to doing the best for the world or for their constituents. … So, my concern right now would be, can we start to elect people who really want to lead to make the world a better place as opposed to make themselves look good.” — Brian Chung, Ogden

“I am going to have to say, my biggest thing when it comes to election or politics is going to be constitutional awareness and protections. … I feel that we have gotten away from freedom of speech. There are certain things in the Constitution that certain people will say is outdated. It was written for a reason, yeah? My other big concerns are I am looking for politicians that I support, that are not about Big Pharma, Big Money, Big Energy. … I really like Tulsi Gabbard, she is a Democrat. I claim no party because I can see both sides of it, yeah? She is from Hawaii. She is also a veteran. And this is what I look for in a politician, she speaks her mind. … I look for people who are honest, so I like that about her.” — Jayson Pahed, Eden

Photos and interviews by Adam Rubin, Special to the Standard-Examiner.

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