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Ogden receives demolition plans for controversial downtown apartment project

By Rob Nielsen - | Dec 13, 2023

Rob Nielsen, Standard-Examiner

The partially completed apartment project at 144 25th St. in Ogden as seen Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023. Ogden City announced it has received a plan for demolition of the unfinished structure from the site's developer, Summa Terra Ventures.

OGDEN -- A stalled apartment construction project is likely to be razed to the ground in the coming days and weeks on the orders of its developer.

According to Ogden City Marketing and Communications Manager Mike McBride, the city has received a demolition plan from the developers of a partially finished apartment complex at 144 25th St. in downtown Ogden.

Construction on the apartment complex was halted in late March after the city issued a stop work order due to questions about the fire resistance of the wood used in the project. The project's developers -- Summa Terra Ventures -- were ultimately given chances to submit plans for fixes and a final deadline of Dec. 11 for submission.

"The developer appealed that order, it went before the board of appeals last Monday and the notice order was upheld, so (the appeal) was denied," McBride said. "The notice order stands. Since then, we've ... received a plan for demolition."

He said the demolition will be the responsibility of Summa Terra Ventures, but there are still some important steps to go.

"They submitted a plan for demolition; however, we've not received an application for the permit yet," he said. "It's not to say it's not in process, but that's where we're at."

No demolition permits were filed for the property as of Tuesday evening.

The Standard-Examiner reached out to Summa Terra Ventures for comment Tuesday but did not receive a response by press time.

In October, the Standard-Examiner reported that officials with Summa Terra Ventures viewed a contractor on the project -- Makers Line -- as responsible for utilizing the unsafe wood in the structure. A similar work halt order had been issued on another Summa Terra Ventures property at 407 W. 12th St., but construction was allowed to continue on that property in late September.

McBride said demolition of the 25th Street structure is probably the best course of action for the controversial development.

"The options would've been either to repair it or demolish it," he said. "It's a business decision. They've opted to demolish."

He said that there is no solid timeframe for demolition at this point, but some preparation activities may be underway already.

"As early as (Tuesday) you could see some minor deconstruction happening such as the removal of windows," he said. "That's something they can do without a demolition permit, so we might see that kind of activity."

During a brief visit to the site, the Standard-Examiner observed work crews doing tasks around the building.

A copy of the demolition plan was supplied to the Standard-Examiner by the city, but it does not specify a time frame for the removal of the structure nor what will be done with the property after demolition.


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