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Area food bank searching for more donations amid shortage

By Rob Nielsen - | Jun 27, 2023

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The Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank and Pantry, shown here in an undated photo, is facing a shortage and looking for help from the public. The pantry served nearly 10,000 individuals in the month of May 2023.

OGDEN -- An area food bank saw a dip in food donations in 2023 and is now experiencing a shortage.

The Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank and Pantry in Ogden is now asking for the public's help in boosting its stock for the thousands of individuals that depend on it.

Randy Chappell, director of basic needs for Catholic Community Services of Utah, told the Standard-Examiner that the food bank served nearly 10,000 individuals in May alone.

He said there are two major food drives each year that the pantry participates in: Feed Utah Food Drive (March) and the Mail Carrier's Food Drive (May).

"This year we didn't receive as much food as we normally receive," he said. "We received about 40,000 pounds for each food drive, so we're looking at 80,000 of food collected from those food drives. Two years ago from the Feed Utah Food Drive, we collected 170,000 pounds of food just in that one food drive."

The pantry receives some allotments of food from the Utah Food Bank and from area grocery stores in the summer months, but Chappell said these aren't enough to make up for the shortfall.

There are several items the pantry is looking for.

"The big thing right now is meat," he said. "Meat is always something we're in need of -- if it's canned meat or hamburger patties and things like that. Peanut butter and high-protein items are what we're looking for. Fresh vegetables and fresh fruits are something we can give out in our pantry."

He said the food bank will take about anything that people would like to donate.

"I think it's just looking in your pantry and seeing what you're not using or what you have a big supply of," he said. "When you go to the grocery store, buy another can and donate it."

While they are seeing a shortfall of items overall, Chappell said there are some items that the pantry has in abundance such as flour and tomato sauce. Donations of these are not needed in the immediate future.

Chappell said donations are accepted at the Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank and Pantry's location at 2504 F Ave. in Ogden from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Businesses and organizations can organize a food drive by reaching out to 801-428-1292. Monetary donations are also accepted.

The Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank and Pantry is open from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday-Friday for individuals and families in need.


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