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Running spots for Ogden Marathon nearly filled, volunteers being sought

By Rob Nielsen - | Apr 18, 2024

BRIAN NICHOLSON, Special to the Standard-Examiner

Half-marathon runners arrive at the finish line during the Ogden Marathon on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

OGDEN -- A staple of spring in Ogden is fast approaching.

The 23rd Annual America First Ogden Marathon is set for May 18 and has a limited number of spots for runners still available.

Cecily Kiss, community engagement manager with the GOAL Foundation, told the Standard-Examiner Thursday that there is a distance for everyone who wants to compete -- but a very limited number of slots still available.

"We have the full marathon distance, the half-marathon distance, the 12K and the 5K," she said. "We do anticipate to sell out by the end of this weekend because all we have left right now are 48 registrations for the 5K. It is going to be a fully sold-out marathon."

There also will be a free "KidsK" for up to 500 youths in addition to activities for families downtown.

In total, there are 6,110 runners expected across all of the distances.

Kiss said it isn't impossible for people to sign up as runners, but interested parties will have to be quick.

"On Wednesdays at noon, we release any registrations that have become available due to cancellations," she said. "They go really fast. We opened up six (this week), and they were sold within five minutes. They go very quickly. But if you're on that registration page right at noon, we do release whatever is available."

However, there is one group of people who are just as crucial to the marathon as the runners that organizers are seeking out.

"We couldn't run this marathon without the help of our wonderful volunteers," Kiss said. "It takes about 1,000 people volunteering throughout the week. It's pretty incredible to see the community come out and support the Ogden Marathon and the efforts fo the GOAL Foundation."

She said volunteer registration opened about a week and a half ago and that about half of the opportunities have been applied for, with about 500 more volunteers still needed.

Additionally, there are volunteer opportunities well beyond just working during the race day itself.

"There are opportunities available that entire week of race week," Kiss said. "We have events going on Monday through Saturday -- putting together the marathon, we have our Legacy Club dinner on Monday as well as our expo on Friday -- so there are volunteer opportunities throughout the week if someone isn't available on Saturday but still wants to participate."

For more information on this year's marathon as well as chances to sign up for running positions or volunteer opportunities, visit https://www.ogdenmarathon.com.


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