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Letter: A letter of thanks to the community

Dec 16, 2023

Where to begin. The family and friends of Liberty Grace Stimpson were devastated as she went missing into the Weber River on May 1st, while she was relishing the spring day on the family farm. And then you showed up. You all showed up. Whether as emergency responders, search and rescue team members, walkers, watchers, huggers, food vendors, you showed up. Search and Rescue teams stayed on site for days and weeks, working in treacherous conditions. Vigilant volunteers stood watchful 24 hours a day for three weeks, with no gaps, on two separate bridges. Umbrellas and fire pits were donated to keep those watchers warm and dry. Adjacent property owners opened access for searching. Tolls were waived. Heart-warming ribbons were hung, and signs of encouragement were posted. And it continued, and continues. There were over 4000 hours of volunteer time recorded, yet we know there were so many more that were given without being reported.

Our hearts are broken, and while this family will never be the same, we have joyful memories which you have significantly enhanced. The answer to your question as to “How are you and your family doing?” is not easily answered, as she is sorely missed. Yet you have given us so much to hope for, immeasurable gratitude, and a real sense of community. We have learned that “the problems that are unsolvable, become livable.” Not just to survive, but to thrive, motivated by her memories, and encouraged by your goodness, your greatness, your generosity, knowing you care.

While we continue to put the pieces back together, knowing the puzzle will never be complete in this life, please know that you have provided the healing balm, the glue, that is helping us mend. Even though the words “thank you” never seem enough, please know they are coming from deep within broken, but healing hearts.

Thank you for your time, your thoughts, your prayers, your donations, and your everything else. They have been felt, received, appreciated, and most certainly comforting.

We came together in crisis as a community, may we continue to do so even when there is no crisis. Let’s stay together.

Cris and Steve Garside



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