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Letter: Another Trump mistake or blatant lie. Beware!

Dec 16, 2023

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump promised he’d only be a dictator for one day so we can “drill, drill, drill”, implying that we don’t drill enough oil already so he’d need to use non-Constitutional methods to get us drilling. There’s only one problem; once again he’s either mistaken or lying. Currently, the U.S. produces more crude oil than any other nation in the world. Under Trump the U.S. produced 13.1 million barrels of crude oil a day, but under President Biden we are now producing 13.2 million barrels a day, more than under Trump. And without Biden even thinking of being a dictator. We should all be afraid of someone willing to lie to be elected. It makes you wonder what else he’d be willing to lie about — maybe about only being a dictator for one day.

Donald Carper



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