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Beyond Bars

Beyond Bars: Old prison diet contained plenty slices of humble pie

When you are first sent to live in the Utah State Prison, you are locked in a cell for all but one hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And even on your hours out, the only thing to do is go take a shower and walk around in an empty “dayroom.” This period is called R&O, which ...

Beyond Bars: Exercise and fitness have been critical in addiction recovery

My state issued counselor recently told me he isn’t worried about me going back to prison, using drugs again, or having difficulty acclimating to the free world. As a result of this assessment I am no longer required to participate in any counseling or substance abuse classes. I’m done with ...

Beyond Bars: The stigma of prison, parole

<span class="m_3421502324869305018m_-380235897789341531gmail-s1">So I was just leaving the Jazz game the other night and thought about the time. It was just after 9 p.m. and it was dark outside. A year before, I was locked in my cell and waiting for an officer to count me and make ...

Beyond Bars: Being happy for the life I can still enjoy

I ran across an explanation for a phenomenon I had observed and commented on a number of times while in prison. That is, generally speaking, “lifers” seem to be happier than the inmates with less time.Mo Gawdat, the chief business officer of Google X, wrote an algorithm for happiness: ...

Beyond Bars: Still adjusting to the speed of life outside of prison

A lot of people ask me how I’m doing. I’m out of prison and gainfully employed; I have nothing to complain about. However, I think it’s a fair assessment to say I’m struggling with balance and the adjustment to a faster pace of life. I can’t seem to find the time to do many of the ...