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Cavlovic: Brilliance on display at Weber State University

By Therese Cavlovic - | Apr 17, 2024

Photo supplied, Weber State University

Therese Cavlovic

From using artificial intelligence-powered modeling tools to understand the effects of shifting climate conditions on ecosystems, to creating a camp that helps youth with diabetes learn strategies to improve their quality of life, more than 150 Weber State University students showcased their research, projects and community engagement at the Spring 2024 Research and Engagement Symposium on Tuesday.

For the last two decades, the symposium has given students a chance to shine. They make us, the entire Weber State community, proud. For example, an economics student tackled a significant project on voting behavior, blending both economics and political science. This student has been accepted to notable graduate programs at the London School of Economics and the University of Chicago.

Each year, the Research and Engagement Symposium allows Weber State students to share their college experiences in research, community service, leadership, mentoring, sustainable practices and international study across all disciplines on campus -- from arts and humanities to the sciences. The air is always buzzing with energy and pride as students share their hard work, experiences and discoveries.

As director of the Office of Undergraduate Research at WSU, it has been my privilege to watch our students turn their passions into practice, whether it's expanding knowledge in their fields, finding creative solutions to community issues or honing their leaderships skills. I'm continually inspired by the perspectives they bring to real-world issues, and I'm proud to work at an institution that supports those efforts.

At Weber State, students are at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing an unparalleled education that extends far beyond the confines of traditional classrooms. I have been fortunate to attend several universities in various states over the course of my educational career. Without reservation, I can say that Weber State students are getting a high-impact educational experience. The Research and Engagement Symposium continues to be evidence of that, and we look forward to bringing in many more brilliant perspectives in the years to come.

Therese Cavlovic is an economics professor at Weber State University who also serves as director of undergraduate research.


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