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Guest Commentary

Guest opinion: All are welcome to celebrate the legacy of MLK

Upon the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming up on Monday, the MLK Jr. Human Rights Commission would like to invite community members to reflect on the meaning of the commemoration of Dr. King’s legacy as well as to invite you to participate in the many community events that will ...

Johnston: Education as a public good

Through childhood routines, my mother infused memories that have stayed vivid into adulthood. Walking up steep steps to St. Philip Catholic Church’s massive wooden doors, we’d move across a threshold separating the sanctuary from traffic noise and the rainy morning left behind. Dipping ...

The Homefront: Don’t be afraid to be afraid – A New Year’s resolution

A friend challenged me to sum up my New Year’s resolution in a single word. I failed. Just too many words to choose from. So my six-word resolution is, “Don’t be afraid to be afraid.” This world we share is often fearsome. Being afraid — and bravely admitting it — is the first step ...

Murray: Democracy depends on optimism

This new year also happens to be an election year. And not just any election year, mind you; it’s a presidential election year. If the polling is any good predictor, it will be between Donald Trump, who is facing four criminal indictments, and Joe Biden, who is under an impeachment inquiry. ...

Guest opinion: Big Pharma wants to increase Utah’s drug prices

In Utah, an issue of paramount concern to every family and business is the affordability and accessibility of health care. Our state is facing a health care challenge — one that threatens to undermine the strides we've made in ensuring that our citizens do not have to choose between their ...

Guest opinion: Private prisons – An idea whose time has come … and gone

Imagine you are the defendant in a Utah courtroom where the police witnesses, the prosecutor, the judge and your lawyer all own stock in corporations that make more money when people are convicted of a crime and placed in a prison. In fact, this scenario is the reality in almost every courtroom ...

Garavito Martinez: Looking back at Utah’s Latino roots and icons

Every semester in my teacher education classes, I ask my students to raise their hand if they have ever heard of Utah civil rights icon, community leader, activist and educator Archie Archuleta. In the last three years, only one student raised their hand. To understand the educational ...