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Letter: Nukes to the rescue

Nov 3, 2021

Global warming and climate change appear inevitable, given the urgency of the problem and limited resources available. Today at the Glasgow meeting of representatives of two hundred nations, President Biden called for oil and gas industries to increase their fossil energy output, required to meet rising consumer demand, and to avoid inestimable inflation. This would be a step in the wrong direction.

In the last ten years or so, renewables such as wind and solar have increased substantially but are woefully inadequate to meet future demand. Is there anything we can do?

But, there is a solution!

Build nuclear power plants over the next ten years, at the same time phasing down coal, oil and gas, and build out solar and wind power. In ten years the target should be for coal, oil and gas to level off at about one tenth of today’s output, while ninety percent will be taken up by nuclear.

You say what about the radioactive waste? What about another Fukushima? Safety, security? Good point! My approach would be to phase in nuclear while phasing out oil and gas, coupled with phasing in renewables, followed by gradual phasing out of nuclear power.

This approach has its risks, but doing nothing is an even greater risk. Doing the way I described above will buy us the desperately needed time.

Will our grandchildren inherit a livable planet?

Gerald Mayer

South Ogden


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