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Letter: Resist Utah lawmakers’ attack on vote by mail

Nov 3, 2021

This is a personal response to your article of 22 October 2021, titled: “Legislators Attack vote by mail, want statewide audit”. First let me say that I am eighty years old and both me and my 79 years young wife vote by mail. At my age voting by mail is God sent. The state of Utah has one of the best voting by mail systems in the USA, other states have modeled their vote by mail systems after Utah’s. The people who run and administer the Utah Vote by mail and the physical polling stations are both competent and vigilant and they ensure our voting systems are secure, accurate, and free of cheating. I for one think they do an excellent job and I continue to trust them to continue to do an excellent job in future elections. What I do not trust is two Utah Republican State Representatives pushing the untrue election lie in Utah that the last president claimed was stolen. The truth is that President Biden received more than seventy-eight million votes, which is more than any other presidential candidate in history. Now we have two GOP Trumper Rep’s pushing for a return of the paper ballot, independent election audits on an ongoing basis, photo ID required at polls, no private funds for registration or other related election activities all based on a lie already litigated by courts within the United States and found to be without Merit. We all need to be careful about what we wish for because if what these two Reps want to do with our voting rights becomes a reality it could equally hurt the voting rights of both Republicans and Democrats. The truth is that the independent audit of ballots in Arizona turned up more votes for Biden. Do not let these two state Rep’s waste your Utah taxpayer dollars based on untrue and unproven, no evidence election problems that do not exist in Utah.

James Shelton Sr.



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